News and Updates

December 2024 

There were several construction firsts in December. The first foundation pour at AHHS occurred in the early morning hours on Dec. 20. The new building construction is divided into areas and the foundation pour started in one area of the site. Crews also finished drilling piers.

The first phases of the Visitor Complex at Orem Stadium project also began with the removal of lights and demolition of the bleachers and building. The project is scheduled to be completed by next fall.

With limited space at AHHS, a laydown yard has been created at Howard ECC for additional materials storage.

Visitors Bleacher Complex Demo

November 2024 

During the month of November, construction crews began drilling piers and pouring the mud slab for the new AHHS building. That work continues, along with laying storm pipes and digging trenches for other underground piping.

Coming this month, the first phases of the visitors complex project at Orem Stadium will begin. This project will include bleachers, locker rooms, concessions, and team meeting space.

Site overhead November 2024

October 2024 

The official start of fall brought a new phase in construction at Alamo Heights High School. After months of demolition work and the haul off of debris, the new building is now under construction.

In mid October, crews began site grading, earthwork, and utility work which included drilling piers and prepping to pour foundation. A tower crane was also erected at the site. This type of crane will keep the existing trees safer as the new building is constructed.

Crane over AHHS site

September 2024 

During the month of September, demolition and debris haul-off continued at Alamo Heights HS. A little less than 600 truckloads of materials were hauled away during this process. In October, crews will break ground on the new building and enter a new phase of the construction process. The project remains on time and on budget.

Also in September, the beloved Mule statue was reinstalled by the north entrance to Orem Stadium. 

Overhead view of AHHS cleared land

August 2024 

August brought the start of the school year and students and staff are back on the Alamo Heights HS campus adjusting to the new set up during construction. Teachers did a wonderful job setting up classrooms and making ‘the Mods’ feel like home. Many classrooms are larger than what they had in the previous building.

Demolition work continued in a major way with most of the main building demolished in August. The haul off of debris is underway.

The Broadway North parking lot (formerly the Colony House apartments) was completed this month and will be ready for student permit parking in addition to the Broadway South parking lot. With these two lots, there are actually more parking spots available on campus than last year.

The Bond Community Council met in mid August and after receiving updates from LPA Architects and the District’s Bond Manager, the group toured the modular classrooms and the new temporary library space. Trustees also toured the spaces this month.

Aerial view

July 2024 

July 2024 brought noticeable changes to the AHHS building, modular classrooms, and temporary parking lots.

The former Colony House apartments along Broadway were demolished and work began to turn the site into a secondary temporary parking lot. The other temporary parking lot, at the corner of Broadway and Castano, is complete. 

The AHHS administration and office staff moved into their temporary office space at the corner of Castano and Vanderhoven. All visitors to the campus will check in at this location.

Crews also worked on the final touches to the modular classrooms to prepare for teacher arrival in early August and worked on the installation of fencing and exterior lighting. 

Demolition is underway on the main Academic Wing. 

Demolition at front of AHHS

June 2024 

Summer brought the beginning of construction to Alamo Heights ISD as the first Bond 2023 project is underway at Alamo Heights HS. June brought a flurry of activity at the campus as district staff and construction crews prepared for demolition of the main academic building to begin in July.

Modular classrooms arrived and were set up on the soccer practice field and parking lot at the corner of Vanderhoven and Castano. A total of 61 classrooms and additional office space for administration and counseling will be housed in this new location.

District Technology staff removed devices and equipment like projectors and security cameras from the main building. The STEM building will house the library during construction, and Maintenance staff helped set up racks of books and spaces for a circulation desk and computers. They also assisted in moving classroom items and teacher belongings to the modular classrooms.

Tree protection was installed outside and inside the main building, temporary walls were constructed along with some selective demolition.

Vacant land at the corner of Broadway and Castano and the former Colony House Apartments will be converted to temporary parking lots and crews began both projects.
AHHS Modular Classrooms

“A Walk Down Memory Lane” - April 2024 

 With a nod to the past and a look to the future, hundreds of Mules took A Walk Down Memory Lane at AHHS in April 2024. At this special event, community members were able to walk the halls, take pictures, look at yearbooks and class photos, reunite with classmates and teachers, and share their favorite memories.

Two people in front of wall of class photos at AHHS

Additional photos can be found on the District's Facebook page.

Package One Update- December 2023 and January 2024

District staff and Trustees worked with architects from LPA Design Studios and Bartlett Cocke General Contractors in planning for Bond 2023 Package One construction which will begin in May 2024 with new construction at Alamo Heights High School.

Campus staff and leaders were involved in more than 10 meetings during the conceptual design process in fall of 2023, providing input on needs for more collaborative spaces, a design focused on teaching and learning, increased square footage, and additional outdoor learning spaces.

HS staff looking at images hung up on walls of cafeteria

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