Rockets Ready!

Rockets Ready!
Rocketry AHISDRockets ready! We are counting down! Alamo Heights High School is go for liftoff!

Alamo Heights High School unveiled two new rockets that will be launched in White Sands, New Mexico next week.

This year, in conjunction with the SystemsGo program, students have built one 12-foot rocket and one 18-foot rocket, both set to travel 100,000 feet or more at greater than Mach 3. And, for the first time ever, one of the rockets will carry a payload, authorized by NASA, with the potential for use in future space study and research.

The payload is a specially designed and hand-crafted canister that will be ejected at apogee, otherwise known as the highest point of flight. During this launch, students will be able to test the impact absorption system on the canister, providing valuable research that will allow scientists to better sample and study the surfaces of other planets.

Students worked 300-400 hours on the build of each rocket, proving their dedication, commitment, bravery and courage, in seeing the design through to the end. At the end of it all, 90% of these students are now set to launch their own pursuit of engineering at the university level this fall.

SystemsGo is an innovative high school rocketry/aeroscience curriculum that uses project-based learning to teach science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); to develop skills in teamwork, problem solving, and leadership; and to encourage careers in the engineering industries.

Advanced students develop sounding rockets capable of lofting 35-research payloads to 100,000 feet for collaborative research with universities, ultimately launching their vehicles at White Sands Missile Range.

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