AHISD Mentor

AHISD Mentor
AHISD MentorFill out the form to become a mentor!

Alamo Heights ISD seeks to involve our community in our district wide mentoring initiative. We seek individuals, businesses, and organizations to serve as possible mentors in our schools. We realize mentoring a young person is a big commitment. However, it can also be an incredibly mutually rewarding experience beneficial for all involved.

Mentors are asked to follow the three C's:

Commitment: Can you commit to foster a healthy relationship with your mentee throughout an academic school year?
Care: Can you provide a caring rapport with your mentee
Consistency: Follow campus parameters on mentor times and visits.

We're asking you to use your talents, your experience and your strengths to inspire and engage students.  Thirty minutes of your week can make a difference in the life of one student.

Mandatory District Mentor Trainings: (pick one training at any location offered below)

October 13th Howard- 3:15-4:00 library
October 17th Cambridge 12:00-1:15 PD room 4207
October 18th Woodridge 4:30-5:15 Auditorium
October 19th AHISD Junior School 12:30-1:15 Auditorium
October 20th AHISD High School 12:30-1:15 The Oaks

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