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Notice of Bond Election: English/Spanish
Notice of General Election: Polling Sites in English & Spanish
Sample Ballot: Trustee Election
To the Registered Voters of Alamo Heights Independent School District.
(A los votantes registrados del distrito escolar independiente Alamo Heights.)
Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed on the attached form will be open from 7:00a.m. to 7:00p.m. on May 6, 2017, for voting in a general election for electing one trustee each for positions designated as Place 3 and 4.
(Notifiquese. por las presente, que las casillas electorales listo en Ia forma conectada se abriran desde las 7:00a.m. basta las 7:00p.m. el dia 6 de mayo 2017 con el proposito de elegir a un regente a cada puesto designado por los numeros 3 and 4.)
Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted at the places listed on the attached form beginning April 24, 2017 and ending May 2, 2017.
(La votacion delantada en persona se llevara a cabo en los lugares listo en Ia forma conectada empezando el dia 24 de abril 2017 y tenninando el dia 2 de mayo 2017.)
Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to:
(Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausencia par correo deberan enviarse a:)
Bexar County Elections Department
Jacquelyn F. Callanen
Elections Administrator
II 03 S. Frio, Ste. 100
San Antonio, Texas 78207
Application for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on April 25, 2017.
(Las solicitudes para boletas que se votaran en ausesncia par correo deberan recibirse para elfin de las horas de negocio el dia 25 de abril 2017.)
Issued this the 19th day of January 2017. (Emitada este dia 19 de enero, 2017.)