Alamo Heights Independent School District
Teacher Career Fair
Saturday, April 1, 2017
8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Alamo Heights High School Gym (Mule Dome)
6900 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78209
Teacher Career Fair 2017 Flyer
Alamo Heights ISD is seeking certified applicants in all teaching fields. A select number of interviews will be granted from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Please register for the Teacher Career Fair 2017. Please make sure you have an application on file. You can update or submit your application here.
Alamo Heights ISD has an unparalleled tradition of excellence, including student achievement that ranks among the highest in the state and nation on the SAT/ACT, and AP tests. The district is committed to developing well-rounded students, including a strong academic curriculum and many outstanding extracurricular programs.
Alamo Heights ISD has a very competitive salary and benefit package and does pay extra for teachers with a Master’s Degree or PhD.
The Alamo Heights Independent School District complies with the guidelines of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
For more information: AHISD Human Resources