August 14, 2024

Board Briefs graphic

Alamo Heights ISD is committed to keeping the community informed about the work of the Board of Trustees. This board summary highlights the action and recognitions from the latest Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees.


Spotlight on Excellence
Juanita Andrade,
custodian at Woodridge, was honored as the August Spotlight on Excellence recipient.

National Pitch Finalists
Last month, AHISD was once again represented at the business IncubatorEdu National Pitch Competition in Chicago. Team Buzz Off was one of five national finalists selected from 60 submissions from across the country.

Team members are: Maria Alexa Cardenas, Luke Pritchard, Braden Bergin, Maximiliano Nento and Everett Oden. Business Incubator teachers are LaRhon Fields and Hannah Hawkins.

National and State Schools of Character
Cambridge Elementary and Howard Early Childhood Center have been recognized as 2024 National Schools of Character by the organization

This is the second time both schools have earned this distinction. Both were first recognized in 2019. To be considered at the national level, schools are first designated as State Schools of Character.

Howard Principal Yvonne Munoz and Cambridge Principal Jana Hawkins were recognized along with campus Character Committee Members.

National Spanish Spelling Bee Participant
Emiliano Ramos,
8th grader at The Junior School, competed this summer at the National Spanish Spelling Bee in El Paso. Earlier this spring, Emiliano qualified for nationals by winning first place in the 6th-8th grade category of the Regional Spanish Spelling Bee held at Region 20.

Student Council Update
Daniel Corso,
AHHS Student Council President, shared an update with Trustees on beginning of the year activities including upcoming freshmen officer elections.

Other Board Action and Presentations   

Dr. Jimmie Walker, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, presented an Academic Update on the Student Achievement Pillar of the AHISD Community-Based Accountability System (CBAS). She gave an overview of STAAR data for AHISD, a look at alignment between STARR and MAP scores, and provided next steps and supports for students who need interventions. Across all academic domains, AHISD outperformed when compared to the state. Dr. Walker also shared Advanced Placement data that came in over the summer. In the class of 2024, an all-time high 274 students were recognized as AP Scholars for scoring 3 or higher on 3 or more AP exams.

Trustees adopt 2024-25 budget and approve tax rate
Trustees held a public hearing to discuss the budget and tax rate. They adopted a budget of $78,009,071 in general operating costs and approved the 2024 tax rate. The total approved 2024 tax rate is $0.9662 per $100 of assessed valuation, which is $0.0004 cents lower than the 2023 combined rate. The 2024 tax rate includes $0.7512 for general Maintenance and Operations and $0.2150 for the Interest and Sinking (I&S) funds. The 2024-2025 budget addresses the lack of action by state legislators to adequately fund public schools by allocating an increase to the basic allotment from the state surplus. It includes a $1.6 million deficit, despite efforts to reduce staffing that resulted in a savings of over $2.4 million. This budget includes a retention stipend for employees who returned this year, while also maintaining fiscal responsibility as a top priority. The budget and tax rate were presented by Matt Streger, Chief Financial Officer.

Trustees adopted a resolution to modify bank depository signers in light of changing roles on the Board of Trustees.

Trustees adopted the 2024-25 AHISD Student Code of Conduct and were presented the 2024-25 Student Handbook. Both will be available on the AHISD website.

As is required annually, Trustees approved the method to recapture Tax Revenue to the State of Texas.

Trustees approved revisions to Local Policy FEC, approved a revised School Resource Officer (SRO) agreement with the City of Alamo Heights, approved LPA Design Studios fees for Project 2 of School Bond 2023 construction which includes Robbins, Cambridge, Woodridge, and Plant Services; and the 2023-24 annual SHAC Report and Wellness Plan was presented to Trustees.

Donations were accepted from: Cabo Bob’s, Alamo Heights Rotary Club, KenCon Constructors LTD, Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union, and VTI. The accepted donations totaled $10,606.

Superintendent's Communication

Dr. Bashara shared highlights from welcoming new employees, bond construction updates, Convocation, and the first day of school. She highlighted the 2024-2025 Target Areas that will focus efforts in the following areas: Academic Rigor, College Career and Military Readiness, Recruitment and Retention of Quality Staff, Technology, Bond Planning, and 2025 Budget Planning.

Next Regular Meeting: 

6 p.m., Wednesday, September 18, Board Room

Regular meetings are typically scheduled on the third Wednesday of the month and held in the AHISD Board Room, 7101 Broadway, 78209.

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