SCHOOLCAFE.COM is now a One-Stop site for Student Lunch Account Management and Free and Reduced Meal Applications Online. Starting Log on to https://www.schoolcafe.com. Register yourself(Parent/Guardian) for an account, and then add each one of your AHISD students by using their ID#, School, and Grade.
What's so special about SchoolCafé?
SchoolCafé was designed with you (and parents, AND students!) in mind. We've done a lot of work and we know you'll be as excited about all of the cool new stuff designed to increase parent and student engagement, and ultimately meal participation.
Lot's of Great Features
- Complete student lunch account management from your computer, tablet, or mobile device(App)
- Add funds online and they will transfer within minutes to your child's account
- Snack restrictions can be set online by the parent/guardian
- Free and Reduced application within the same site
- and many more
A Fresh New Look
- We've improved our design and user experience. From the colors, to the fonts, to the support for every device and browser – we’ve left no stone unturned. Both the website and phone app have definitely had a facelift!
FREE and REDUCED Meal Application Online
- We've consolidated the meal payment and free and reduced application process into ONE site. You can NOW apply for free and reduced meal benefits through SchoolCafe.com. If you log into SchoolMealApp.com, you will be redirected to SchoolCafe.Com. if you do not have an existing school café account, you will need to register yourself for an account, and then add your AHISD students to that account.
The AHISD Nutrition Services Department
thanks you for your support!