Congratulations to the Alamo Heights JROTC!

The Alamo Heights High School JROTC "Mighty Mules" won 1st Place in the Open Division Color Guard National Championship for the 8th time in the last 10 years. The picture includes: Team Captain Liz Lopez, along with Rafika Islam, Abby Zepeda, Gabby Woodward, and alternate, Cecelyn Sierra.

The Alamo Heights JROTC "Golden Mules" won 3rd Place in the Challenge Division Color Guard Championship: Team Captain Lexi Woodward, along with Angela Tapia, Harley Perez, Dayano Castro, and alternate, Emily Whitley.
The Alamo Heights JROTC Drill Team finished 7th overall
in the Unarmed Drill Divison at the 2017 National High
School Drill Team Championships in Daytona Beach, Florida. |

The Alamo Heights JROTC "Golden Mules" Team Captain, Cadet Captain Lexi Woodward received the Nationals' Certificate of Excellence on behalf of the entire team.
Cadet First Sergeant Abby Zepeda won 5th Place in the National Unarmed Knock-Out Drill Competition against 600 competitors. |