This year one out of five people will experience a mental health disorder and one third of that number will develop a serious and persistent mental illness that will last a lifetime. 70% of people who are impacted by a mental illness will first go to a pastor, priest or rabbi before they go anywhere else…regardless of active religious affiliation.
On August 26 and 27, San Antonio will hold the first conference on mental health to be facilitated by the faith community. Pathways to Hope: Breaking the Stigma of Mental Illness will seek to equip our community to respond to families and individuals seeking help for mental health issues.
This free event will take place at The Tobin Center. Keynote speaker, Kay Warren, co-founder of Saddleback Church in Orange County CA, Dr. Matthew Standford, CEO of the Hope and Healing Center in Houston, and others will join approximately 1k – 1200 participants in learning how to respond to this crisis. We need community partners to help us spread the word, share the vision, and support our message for a stigma free Bexar County.
Ways to help:
Website/Conference Information
o Visit www.pathwaystohope.net
o Register for the conference
o Download conference materials
o Print, share, and post Event Flyers and Save the Dates
o Place Event Flyer and/or Save the Date with link to website on Alamo Area Teen Suicide Prevention website
o To schedule a community presentation at your place, please contact: [email protected]
Social Media
o Like, subscribe, and share our social media pages
o Share www.pathwaystohope.net on the Alamo Area Teen Suicide Prevention social media platforms, encourage participants to register
o Share www.pathwaystohope.net on social media platforms, encourage participants to register
o Tag us on relevant posts
o Download the #BreakTheStigma call-to-action sign from the website or link above, have staff fill in their own statement and post to your social media platforms (be sure to tag us), encourage the community/followers to do the same
(Facebook: facebook.com/PathwaysToHopeTx) (Twitter: @Pathways_toHope) (Instagram: @Pathwaystohope)
Spreading the Word
o Share conference information and “ways to help” with your email contacts and groups
o Share conference information and “ways to help” with community members
o Share conference information and “ways to help” on newsletters
o Share any upcoming meetings or health fairs where we speak about the conference and its vision with [email protected]
Financial Assistance
o Assist with or underwrite food costs
o Assist with or underwrite printing costs
We are looking to track our outreach impact. Please let us know where you can help. When we all come together, we can make a louder voice. We look forward to working with your in combating mental health stigma.