We hope you are having a great summer! We would like to provide an opportunity for you to expedite registration this year – an idea recommended by parents. As you know, all families are required annually to present proof of residency in order to attend Alamo Heights ISD schools. As we prepare for the beginning of the new school year, we would like to implement a new, easier process for submitting proof of residency. Stop by and show your proof of residency for all of your children at only one location.
“Residency Round-Up”
Alamo Heights High School Auditorium Foyer
Tuesday, July 25 10:00-6:00
Wednesday, July 26 10:00-6:00
Thursday, July 27 10:00-6:00
What do I need to bring?
(Choose one)
* A copy of a current City Public Service bill –or-
* A copy of a current San Antonio Water System bill –or_
* A copy of a current cable bill
If you rent and utilities are included, bring a copy of the lease agreement.
Document needs to include parent/guardian name, all children attending Alamo Height, and a current address (copies will not be returned)
What if I am unable to attend during this time?
Parents will be required to show proof of residency at each child’s home campus during regular office hours prior to the first day of school.
How long will this take?
Our goal is to have parents in and out in a matter of minutes. If the residency documents are accurate and up-to-date, parents will simply show the proof of residency and leave. We will have a separate area for parents/guardians who need assistance with their documents or have questions.
We look forward to seeing you.