Superintendent Search

Superintendent Search
Image of Alamo Heights Logo

Preferred Orientations (English)
Desarrollo del perfil del superintendent (Spanish)

AHISD Superintendent Profile (English)
Observación del perfil AHISD (Spanish)

The Alamo Heights Independent School District Board of Trustees has announced that it has engaged the services of Horn Educational Consultants, led by John Horn and Jenny Preston, to facilitate the search for its next superintendent.

Horn, a former superintendent in the Allen and Mesquite school districts, also serves as senior educational consultant with the Schlechty Center, one of the nation’s leading partners to schools in designing engaged learning experiences for students. Preston, a former superintendent in Allen, has been instrumental in launching the state’s Aspiring Superintendents Academy, which identifies and prepares future educational leaders across Texas. The pair has conducted more than 100 superintendent searches in Texas.

Horn and Preston will initially advise the AHISD Board of Trustees in developing a profile for the district’s new superintendent. They will utilize various forums to gather feedback from the Alamo Heights community, district staff and school board, in an effort to create a profile that will allow the board to find the best candidate to fill the role of superintendent in Alamo Heights ISD.

Board President John Tippit shared, “We begin this search process by recognizing the strong foundation of excellence that has been built in our district under the leadership of Dr. Kevin Brown, our district staff, students, parents and community. Our board will work diligently to ensure that our next superintendent will build upon this strong foundation to lead us to new levels of excellence.”

The superintendent search process, a customized, 90-120-day process, consists of multiple phases. In the initial phase, the consultants will research the preferred qualities of the superintendent, facilitating conversations through various forums with district staff, the community and school board.

The ultimate goal is to have a new superintendent in place by July 1. The community is invited to share input on Tuesday, March 27, 6-7:30 pm, in the Woodridge Auditorium, 100 Woodridge Street. Anyone who would like to share input is welcome to attend.

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