Get the facts about Bond 2023

Get the facts about Bond 2023
Posted on 04/04/2023
Bond logo Get the facts about the AHISD Bond 2023 proposal by visiting the Bond 2023 website, watching an informational video, and attending an upcoming community meeting.

Early voting runs April 24 through May 2 and Election Day is Saturday, May 6.The AHISD Administration Building (7101 Broadway) and Lion's Field (2909 Broadway) are Early Voting locations in our area.

The Bond 2023 website provides an overview of the proposal and how it was developed; answers frequently answered questions; shares resources like a video, mailer, and slides; and details the proposed impact.

The website also has information on community meetings:

April 10 - 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the High School Oaks Cafeteria

April 18 - 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. via Zoom
Link to attend OR Zoom Meeting ID: 986 0941 1466, Passcode: BOND23

The bond referendum will appear as three separate propositions and the proposed projects would impact all students and staff at all campuses.

Proposition A

The majority of AHISD schools were built around the 1950s. Proposition A includes updates and renovations to all campuses, technology infrastructure improvements, safety and security, and new school buses. A new Howard Early Childhood Center building would be constructed, along with renovations to the original building of Alamo Heights High School. Proposition A would also fund a new Central Office/Learning Center and a softball field located at the Robbins campus complex that already includes the Natatorium and Tennis Center. Additional parking and traffic flow improvements are also part of this proposition.

Proposition B

Proposition B would fund the creation of extracurricular team and meeting spaces for AH students and community members underneath a rebuilt visitor bleacher at Orem Stadium. The current structure was constructed in 1947 and was not addressed in previous bonds.

The improvements would include additional parking and dedicated training facilities for the first time for the AH golf team, as well as new restrooms, concessions, locker rooms, and student Sports Media program equipment.

Proposition C

Proposition C would fund technology including student and staff devices as part of ongoing lifecycle replacements.

Bond dollars aren’t subject to recapture by the state, meaning every dollar would be invested in AHISD students and facilities.

Taxpayers see one school district tax rate on their property tax bill. Passage of all three bond propositions does not increase the current overall tax rate. In fact, the overall tax rate is expected to decrease by $.05 over the next eight years.* (*estimates based on current law)

Property taxes for senior citizens over the age of 65 and disabled persons are generally frozen as long as they’ve applied for and received an exemption from the appropriate appraisal district.

Patrons with questions can email them to [email protected].

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