January is School Board Recognition Month in Texas and Alamo Heights ISD is celebrating its trustees for their dedication and commitment to the district and its students.
“I want to thank our AHISD Trustees for their dedication to our district,” said Superintendent Dana Bashara. “These seven volunteers are true champions for public schools and for our district, and they are a real blessing to our community.”
The theme of this year’s School Board Recognition Month is Locally Elected, Community Connected, which highlights the connection between school trustees and their communities. School board members are the largest group of locally-elected officials in the state.
Serving AHISD are:
David Hornberger, Place 1
Brian Hamilton, Place 2
Ty Edwards, Place 3
Stacy Sharp, Place 4
Clay Page, Place 5
Lisa Krenger, Place 6
Carey Hildebrand, Place 7
Visit the AHISD Board of Trustees website to learn more about each trustee and the work of the School Board.