The Eight Keys of Excellence were designed by Learning Forum International, a non-profit educational corporation based in Oceanside, California.

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Do the right thing even when adults aren’t looking.
Do the right thing and make good choices even when the people around you are making poor choices. Resist peer pressure.
Conduct yourself in the state of authenticity, sincerity and wholeness that results when your values and behavior are aligned.
Failure Leads to Success
You’re not always going to get things right the first time and that is OK.
Obstacles are an opportunity for growth. Learn from your mistakes.
Embrace the concept that failures provide you with the information you need to learn and grow so that you can succeed.
Speak with Good Purpose
Words are powerful. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it. We use our words in a way that helps rather than hurts people.
Everything speaks. Filter your comments. Just because you think it, doesn’t mean you should say it.
Speak in a positive sense with good intent, being responsible for honest and direct communication.
This is it
Use your time wisely.
Focus on the present and don’t dwell in the past or future.
Focus your attention on the present moment, knowing that how much attention you pay to now determines the quality of your tomorrow.
Carpe Diem
Put forth good effort. Don’t give up.
Set goals and follow-through with your plan. Show perseverance.
Follow your vision without wavering. Keep your promises to yourself and to others.
Always tell the truth.
Your choices determine your consequences. Take responsibility for the choices you make.
Be accountable and responsible for what you feel, say and do. Be someone who can be counted on, someone who responds.
You don’t always get what you want. Go with the flow.
Things don’t always go the way we plan. Be open to change.
Recognize what’s not working and be willing to change what you’re doing to achieve your desired outcome.
Have a growing brain, strong body and a happy heart.
Keep a healthy mind, body and spirit
Make positive choices in all areas of your life that lead to a sense of well-being and fulfillment.