Step by step instruction can be found here.
How do I get started?
- Sign in to your eSchoolPlus HAC account.
(If you do not know your HAC account login or password, please contact the campus for that information)
- From the Registration page, select the Update Enrollment tab.
- Click start next to the 24-25 Returning Student Registration form:
- If starting a new form, the parent will be brought directly into the form.
- If continuing an in-progress form, the parent will be brought to the last saved page within the form.
- If viewing a submitted form, the parent will be brought to the submission confirmation page of the form.
- If this is the parent's first-time accessing PowerSchool Enrollment via SSO from within the eSchoolPlus HAC, a landing page appears allowing the parent to link an existing PowerSchool Enrollment account or to continue and have a PowerSchool Enrollment account created and linked automatically for them
PowerSchool Enrollment provides a forum for Enrollment support for families.
PowerSchool Enrollment (Registration) Support
- PowerSchool Enrollment (Registration) provides comprehensive support to assist families in accessing and completing online forms.
- Families can utilize PowerSchool Enrollment (Registration) Support if they are having difficulty accessing a form, are unable to log in to their account, have forgotten their password, are having technical issues with a form, or if a form has been linked to the wrong user account.
- PowerSchool Enrollment (Registration) Support, including Chat Support, can be accessed here.
If you have difficulty registering online, please contact the data clerk at your child's campus.
