The Alamo Heights Academic Support Group (AHASG) is a group of parents, teachers and administrators who support the mission of AHASG though membership dues and volunteer efforts. Curriculum enrichment and all activities promote quality programming and academic excellence in AHISD. AHASG sponsors Celebration of Learning Nights and Fall Teacher Appreciation Dinner.
The Alamo Heights Academic Support Group (AHASG) Mission is to promote the best interests of the Alamo Heights Gifted Program, Advanced Placement Program, Honors Programs, and other academic programs, clubs and contests of AHISD. To work for continuing good relations within the AHISD community. To organize/coordinate functions and activities which benefit AHISD academic programs. To raise money through dues/activities for expenditure to benefit AHISD academic programs.
Texas Assocation of Gifted & Talented (TAGT)
DID YOU KNOW: AHASG has approved and paid approximately $10,000 in approved grants each year. The amount of grants made is solely dependent on donations received each year.