Breaking the Silence - Parent Information Session Feb. 28

District Wellness Coordinator Cat Widder is hosting a Breaking the Silence information session for parents at 6 p.m. on February 28 in the Alamo Heights HS auditorium foyer.
The topic is the Opioid Epidemic and Fentanyl. The session will cover the need for vigilance, the importance of tough conversations, and the legal and emotional consequences of buying, selling, using, or distributing these products.
Guest speakers are Erin Van De Walle, Assistant United States Attorney, Western District of Texas, and Thomas Mangiamele, Supervisory Special Agent from the Drug Enforcement Administration.
Parents with students of all ages are invited to attend this free information session.
The February Wellness Newsletter has more information about Wellness program offerings.
For more information or questions, call (210) 832-5956.