Bond Election 2023

AHISD Board of Trustees Calls for Bond Election
Posted on 02/17/2023
Bond logoThe Alamo Heights ISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously Thursday Feb. 16 to place a $371 million bond proposal on the May 6 ballot.

The bond referendum will appear as three separate propositions and the proposed projects would impact all students and staff at all campuses. Early voting runs April 24 through May 2 and Election Day is Saturday, May 6.

“The Bond 2023 proposal is the result of an inclusive and comprehensive process that included conducting facility assessments, gathering input from AHISD stakeholders, studying the Master Plan for Facilities designed in 2016, and continuing the planning started in our last bond in 2017,” said Dr. Dana Bashara, AHISD Superintendent. “If passed by voters, Bond 2023 would provide updated learning spaces for today’s students and their program needs, continue to prioritize safety and security initiatives, optimize the use of district land, and allow us to be better community partners with additional parking, improved traffic flow, and outdoor and meeting spaces for community use.”

The majority of AHISD schools were built in the 1950s. Proposition A includes updates and renovations to all campuses, technology infrastructure improvements, safety and security, and new school buses. A new Howard Early Childhood Center building would be constructed, along with renovations to the original building of Alamo Heights High School. Proposition A would also fund a new Central Office/Learning Center and a softball field located at the Robbins campus complex that already includes the Natatorium and Tennis Center. Additional parking and traffic flow improvements are also part of this proposition.

Proposition B would fund a Visitor Bleacher/Athletic Facility at Orem Stadium. The visitor side of the stadium was constructed in 1947 and was not addressed in previous bonds. The proposition includes funding for multipurpose meeting space, locker rooms, restrooms, concessions, team space, and student Sports Media program equipment.

Proposition C would fund technology including student and staff devices as part of ongoing lifecycle replacements.

It is estimated that over the next eight years the I&S tax rate will increase by 9.52 cents. However the estimated M&O rate will decrease by 15 cents, so the overall tax rate that homeowners and businesses will see is estimated to be reduced by 5.48 cents over those eight years.

Today, for every $100,000 of taxable value, the total tax is $94.63 per month.It is anticipated that the I&S tax rate will increase by $8 per month if the bond proposal is approved and the bonds are issued. However, with the decrease of the M&O rate, the total tax in the year 2032 for every $100,000 of taxable value is estimated to be $86.50 per month.

School property taxes for senior citizens over age 65 and the disabled are frozen, as long as the proper exemptions have been filed.

Revenues generated from the district’s I&S tax rate to repay bonds are not subject to recapture, meaning all bond revenue would stay in AHISD. For the 2022-23 school year, Alamo Heights ISD will send $36.7 million dollars in revenues generated from District’s M&O tax rate to the state general fund as part of recapture.

Virtual and in-person community meetings will be scheduled with district leaders this spring.

AHISD’s last bond issue was approved by voters in 2017.

Additional information about the proposal will also be shared on the AHISD Bond website.

Patrons with questions should email [email protected]
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