Vote Early

Vote early April 24- May 2
Posted on 04/24/2023
Bond logo and early voting datesEarly Voting for Alamo Heights ISD’s School Bond 2023 proposal begins April 24 and runs through May 2. Election Day is Saturday, May 6.

The AHISD Administration Building (7101 Broadway) and Lion's Field (2909 Broadway) are Early Voting locations in the Alamo Heights area.

A full list of dates/times/locations is available on our website.

The Bond 2023 website also provides an overview of the proposal and how it was developed; answers frequently answered questions; shares resources like a video, mailer, and slides; and details the proposed impact.

The bond referendum will appear as three separate propositions and the proposed projects would impact all students and staff at all campuses.

Bond dollars aren’t subject to recapture by the state, meaning every dollar would be invested in AHISD students and facilities.

Taxpayers see one school district tax rate on their property tax bill. Passage of all three bond propositions does not increase the current overall tax rate. In fact, the overall tax rate is expected to decrease by $.05 over the next eight years.* (*estimates based on current law)

Property taxes for senior citizens over the age of 65 and disabled persons are generally frozen as long as they’ve applied for and received an exemption from the appropriate appraisal district.
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